MarketView Data Guide

Futures Symbols

Description Root Symbol Example
NYMEX 14:30 EST Settle
Light, Sweet Crude Oil /GCL /GCLmyy /GCLN15
Heating Oil /GHO /GHOmyyy /GHON15
RBOB Unleaded Gasoline /GRB /GRBmyy /GRBN15
Natural Gas /GNG /GNGmyyy /GNGN15
Palladium /GPA /GPAmyy /GPAN15
Platinum /GPL /GPLmyy /GPLN15
WTI Financial /GWS /GWSmyy /GWSN15
Henry Hub Financial /GHP /GHPmyy /GHPN15
Henry Hub Last Day Financial /GHH /GHHmyy /GHHN15
RBOB Financial /GRT /GRTmyy /GRTN15
CME 14:00 EST Settle
Live Cattle /LE /LEmyy /LEZ15
Feeder Cattle /GF /GFmyy /GFZ15
Lean Hog /HE /HEmyy /HEZ15
CBOT - Agriculture 14:15 EST Settle
CBOT Corn /ZC /ZCmyy /ZCH15
Denatured Fuel Ethanol E /ZE /ZEmyy /ZEH15
Soybean Meal /ZM /ZMmyy /ZMH15
Soybean Oil /ZL /ZLmyy /ZLH15
Soybeans /ZS /ZSmyy /ZSH15
30 YR Bonds /ZB /ZBmyy /ZBH15
Wheat /ZW /ZWmyy /ZWH15
Hard Red Winter Wheat /KE /KEmyy /KEH15
Ethanol Forward Month Swap /EH /EHmyy /EHH15
CBOT - US Treasury 15:00 EST Settle
2 Year T-Notes /ZT /ZTmyy /ZTH15
5 Year T-Notes /ZF /ZFmyy /ZEH15
10 Year T-Notes /ZN /ZNmyy /ZNH15
30 Year T-Notes /ZB /ZBmyy /ZBH15
30 day Federal Funds /ZQ /ZQmyy /ZQH15
COMEX 13:30 EST Settle
Gold /GGC /GGCmyy /GGCZ15
Copper /GHG /GHGmyy /GHGZ15
Silver /GSI /GSImyy /GSIZ15
DME 14:40 EST Settle
Oman Crude Oil /OQ /OQmyy /OQZ15
Oman Crude Oil Financial /ZG /ZGmyy /ZGZ15
Oman Crude Oil Singapore /SOQ /SOQmyy /SOQZ15
Oman Crude Oil Sing Financial /SZG /SZGmyy /SZGZ15
TOCOM 3:15 EST Settle
Crude Oil /CRUD /CRUDmyy /CRUDZ15
Gasoline /GASO /GASOmyy /GASOZ15
Gold /GOLD /GOLDmyy /GOLDZ15
Kerosene /KERO /KEROmyy /KEROZ15
Palladium /PALL /PALLmyy /PALLZ15
Platinum /PLAT /PLATmyy /PLATZ15
Rubber /RSS3 /RSS3myy /RSS3Z15
Silver /SILV /SILVmyy /SILVZ15
CME FX 15:00 EST Settle
Australian Dollar /6A /6Amyy /6AZ15
British Pound /6B /6Bmyy /6BZ15
Canadian Dollar /6C /6Cmyy /6CZ15
Euro FX /6E /6Emyy /6EZ15
Japanese Yen /6J /6Jmyy /6JZ15
New Zealand /6N /6Nmyy /6NZ15
Swiss Franc /6S /6Smyy /6SZ15
Norwegian Krone /NOK /NOKmyy /NOKZ15
Swedish Krona /SEK /SEKmyy /SEKZ15
E-mini Euro FX /E7 /E7myy /E7Z15
E-mini Japanese Yen /J7 /J7myy /J7Z15
FX Index /FXD /FXDmyy /FXDZ15
EIA 10:30 EST Settle
Weekly NG Storage Consuming Region East #EIANGSTOREAST
Weekly NG Storage Consuming Region West #EIANGSTORWEST
Weekly NG Storage Producing Region #EIANGSTORPROD
Weekly NG Storage Total - Lower 48 States #EIANGSTORTL48
Stocks Crude Oil #EIKCRDTOW
Stocks Distillate Fuel Oil #EIKDFOTOW
Stocks Total Motor Gasoline #EIKTMOTOW
Imports Total Product Imports #EIITPITOW
Inputes and Utilization Crude Oil Inputs #EIRCOITOW
US Commercial Crude Oil Imports #EIAWCEIMUS2W
Dow Jones $DJI
S&P 500 $SP500
Description Root Symbol Example
ICE Futures Europe (IPE) 13:00 EST Settle
Brent Crude – Electronic /BRN /BRNmyy /BRNZ15
Gasoil – Electronic /GAS /GASmyy /GASZ15
Heating Oil /UHO /UHOmyy /UHOZ15
RBOB Gasoline /UHU /UHUmyy /UHUZ15
Electricity – Baseload Month /BPM /BPMmyy /BPMZ15
Electricity – Peak Month /PPM /PPMmyy /PPMV15
Natural Gas – Month /GWM /GWMmyy /GWMV15
Middle East Sour Crude /MID /MIDmyy /MIDZ15
Rotterdam Coal /ATW /ATWmyy /ATWF15
Richards Bay Coal /AFR /AFRmyy /AFRG15
Newcastle Coal /NCF /NCFmyy /NCFZ15
ECX Carbon Financial Futures /ECF /ECFmyy /ECFZ15
ECX CER Fugures /CER /CERmyy /CERZ15
ICE Futures US
Coffee 1sKC 1sKCmyy 1sKCZ15
Cotton 1sCT 1sCTmyy 1sCTZ15
Cocoa 1sCC 1sCCmyy 1sCCZ15
Sugar No. 11 1sSB 1sSBmyy 1sSBZ15
Orange Juice 1sOJ 1sOJmyy 1sOJZ15
Soybean 1sIS 1sISmyy 1sISZ15
Soybean Meal 1sISM 1sISMmyy 1sISMV15
Soybean Oil 1sIBO 1sIBOmyy 1sIBOV15
ICE Futures Europe Strips
Electricity – Baseload Quarter 1 - /BPMFyy-Hyy /BPMF15-H15
Electricity – Baseload Quarter 2 - /BPMJyy-Myy /BPMJ15-M15
Electricity – Baseload Quarter 3 - /BPMNyy-Uyy /BPMN15-U15
Electricity – Baseload Quarter 4 - /BPMXyy-Zyy /BPMX15-Z15
Electricity – Baseload Summer - /BPMJyy-Uyy /BPMJ15-U15
Electricity – Baseload Winter - /BPMVyy-Hyy /BPMV14-H15
Electricity – Peak Quarter 1 - /PPMFyy-Hyy /PPMF15-H15
Electricity – Peak Quarter 2 - /PPMJyy-Myy /PPMJ15-M15
Electricity – Peak Quarter 3 - /PPMNyy-Uyy /PPMN15-U15
Electricity – Peak Quarter 4 - /PPMXyy-Zyy /PPMX15-Z15
Electricity – Peak Season Summer - /PPMJyy-Uyy /PPMJ15-U15
Electricity – Peak Season Winter - /PPMVyy-Hyy /PPMV14-H15
Natural Gas – Quarter 1 - /GWMFyy-Hyy /GWMF15-H15
Natural Gas – Quarter 2 - /GWMJyy-Myy /GWMJ15-M15
Natural Gas – Quarter 3 - /GWMNyy-Uyy /GWMN15-U15
Natural Gas – Quarter4 - /GWMXyy-Zyy /GWMX15-Z15
Natural Gas – Season - Summer - /GWMJyy-Uyy /GWMJ15-U15
Natural Gas – Season - Winter - /GWMVyy-Hyy /GWMV14-H15
Nymex Daily Options
Short Term Natural Gas /GNG_SHORT -GU[01-31]myy[C,P]% -GU21Z15C2950
Short Term Crude Oil /GCL_SHORT -GC[01-31]myy[C,P]% -GC29V15C8050
Weekly Options
Week 1 Crude Oil /GLOWEEK1 -GLO1myy[C,P]% -GLO1X15C8300
Week 2 Crude Oil /GLOWEEK2 -GLO2myy[C,P]% -GLO2X15C8300
Week 3 Crude Oil /GLOWEEK3 -GLO3myy[C,P]% -GLO3X15C8300
Week 4 Crude Oil /GLOWEEK4 -GLO4myy[C,P]% -GLO4X15C8300
Week 5 Crude Oil /GLOWEEK5 -GLO5myy[C,P]% -GLO5X15C8300
Week 1 Natural Gas /GONWEEK1 -GON1myy[C,P]% -GON1Z15C3800
Week 1 S&P 500 /EVWEEK1 -EV1myy[C,P]% -EV1X15P1440
Week 2 Euro FX /6EWEEK2 -6E2myy[C,P]% -6E2X14P1245
Calendar Spreads Options
Crude Oil 1 month spread option /GCL_SPREAD1 -GWAYmyy[C,P]% -GWAYZ14C20
Crude Oil 6 month spread option /GCL_SPREAD6 -GAWMmyy[C,P]% -GAWMZ14P300
Crude Oil 12 month spread option /GCL_SPREAD12 -GAWZmyy[C,P]% -GAWZZ14C200
RBOB 1 month spread option /GRB_SPREAD1 -GZAYmyy[C,P]% -GZAYX14P320
Heating Oil 1 month spread option /GHO_SPREAD1 -GFAYmyy[C,P]% -GFAYX14P60
Calendar Spreads
Crude Oil 1 month spread /GCL_SPREAD1 /GCLmyymyy /GCLX15Z15
Crude Oil 2 month spread /GCL_SPREAD2 /GCLmyymyy /GCLV15Z15
Crude Oil 3 month spread /GCL_SPREAD3 /GCLmyymyy /GCLU15Z15
Crude Oil 6 month spread /GCL_SPREAD6 /GCLmyymyy /GCLM15Z15
Crude Oil 12 month spread /GCL_SPREAD12 /GCLmyymyy /GCLZ14Z15
Natural Gas 1 month spread /GNG_SPREAD1 /GNGmyymyy /GNGX15Z15
RBOB 1 month spread /GRB_SPREAD1 /GRBmyymyy /GRBX15Z15
Heating Oil 1 month spread /GHO_SPREAD1 /GHOmyymyy /GHOX15Z15
Corn 1 month spread /ZC_SPREAD1 /ZCmyymyy /ZCX15Z15
% = Wildcard for strike price
P = Put options
C = Call options
Root = Enter into Quote window for a symbol chain

Month Codes

Month Code
January F
February G
March H
April J
May K
Jun M
July N
August Q
September U
October V
November X
December Z

Rolling Futures Symbology – Nearbys (Continuous)

Rolling futures symbology follows a similar format for different symbols. A nearby for the day session is the root <numeric month out>. A nearby for the Globex session is the root preceded by ‘G’ and followed by <numeric month out>. The format is illustrated below using NYMEX WTI crude oil as an example.

Globex Session
Front month /GCL<0>
One month out /GCL<1>
Two months out /GCL<2>

Rolling Futures Symbology - Alias

An alias represents the current contract and will change as the contracts roll. An alias for the day session is the root [numeric month out]. An alias for the Globex session is the root preceded by 'G' and followed by [numeric month out]. The format is illustrated below using WTI crude oil as an example.

Globex Session
Front month /GCL[0]
One month out /GCL[1]
Two months out /GCL[2]

Rolling Futures Symbology – Continuous Months

Rolling futures symbology for a particular delivery month is the root <month>. (Note the month is entered by its first three letters and is not case sensitive.) This pulls the most current trading contract. To access a month beyond the most current month, use the root <month +number of years out>. Both symbologies follow similar formats for different symbols. The formats are illustrated below using WTI crude oil and heating oil. Continuous month symbology is only for historical time series analysis.

NYMEX crude continuous January /CL<JAN> NYMEX heating oil September /HO<SEP>
NYMEX crude 2nd January out continuous /CL<JAN+1> NYMEX heating oil 2nd September out continuous /HO<SEP+1>
NYMEX crude 3rd January out continuous /CL<JAN+2> NYMEX heating oil 3rd September out continuous /HO<SEP+2>

News Source Codes

Dow Jones Energy (categories)
N/NRG Dow Jones Energy Service
R/NAPW North American Power
R/EUPW European Power
N/LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
N/NGS Natural Gas
I/ELC Power
N/REF Refinery Outages
N/EPO Power Plant Outages
N/PRD Production Outages
N/PLT Politics
N/WTH Weather
N/WTH R/US US Weather
N/WTH R/EU European Weather
N/PET N/DTA Supply/Demand/Stocks
N/PBP Regulation & Legislation
N/CNW Corporate
N/FIN Interest Rates
N/FRX Foreign Exchange
N/NUK Nuclear Power Plants
N/CO2 Carbon Dioxide
N/HOH News Summaries, Highlights
N/RNW Energy Alternative, Renewable, Developing Energy
Petroleum Argus
ARA Asian Products Report
ARC International Crude Report
ARE European Products Report
ARG General Energy
ARI Asian Natural Gas
ARL International LPG Report
ARM Emissions
ARN European Natural Gas
ARP European Electricity
ARQ Asphalt
ARS US Natural Gas
ARU US Products Report
ARX Coal
ARY US Electricity
OPF Feedstock Commentary
OPI General Commentary
OPJ Jet Fuel Commentary
OPL LPG Commentary
OPS Refined Spot Commentary
OPW West Coast Commentary
Heren Energy
EDE Europe Daily Electricity News
ESG Europe Gas Market News
GlobalView WebWire
GWA Asian News
GWB Business News
GWE Energy News
GWM Middle Eastern News
GWN North American News
GWO World News
GWS Sports
GWU European News
GWW Weather News
GWZ Entertainment News
RIB Bunker Report
RIC Crude Report
RIL LPG Report
RIP Product Report
NGF Natural Gas Fwds PGT Tanker Add-on PWI US Petrochemscan
PCA Petrochem Alert PMA Metals Alert PWJ Intermediate Wire
PCN Commodity News PPA Fwd Curve Asia PWO Olefinscan
PEA Electricity Alert PPE Fwd Curve EMEA PWP Polymerscan
PEF US Electricity Fwd PPU Fwd Curve Americas PWQ North Asia Wire
PEP Europe Power Alert PWA APAG MarketScan PWR Latin America Wire
PES Electricity Spark Spreads PWB BunkerWire PWS P Solventwire Product
PGA Global Alert PWC Crude Oil MarketWire PWT Tanker Wire
PGB Bunker PWD Dirty Tanker Wire PWU US MarketScan
PGF Feedstock PWE European MarketScan PWV Latin Petrochemscan
PGL LPG Add-on PWF FeedStock Wire PWW China Wire
PGN Natural Gas Alert PWG Asia Petrochemscan
PGR Racks PWH Euro Petrochemscan
Associated Press
BU Business EN Entertainment HE Health
PO Politics SC Science SP Sports
ST Strange TE Technology TN Top News
US US National WA Washington PWN World
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