Dados do Mercado Agrícola
Os mercados de commodities agrícolas estão entre os mais complexos do mundo. Informações críticas da cadeia de suprimentos — de produtores a processadores, passando para exportadores e usuários finais — são necessárias para reduzir os riscos e tomar decisões comerciais melhores. Uma quantidade enorme de dados exclusivos sobre cotações, clima e governos deve estar prontamente disponível, garantindo o sucesso.
A GlobalView fornece cobertura abrangente dos mercados agrícolas, ajudando empresas de negociação de commodities em todo o mundo a obter mais informações com ferramentas de visualização e análise líderes do mercado. Com dados entregues por meio de uma única fonte simples com base em SaaS, os usuários podem visualizar e analisar facilmente dados exclusivos e do mercado por meio do MarketView Desktop, enviando os resultados a qualquer sistema downstream com completa transparência e precisão.
Precisa de outra fonte de dados? Basta pedir. Estamos constantemente adicionando novos feeds de dados para fornecer exatamente o que nossos clientes precisam.
A coleção líder do setor de dados globais do mercado agrícola da GlobalView inclui:
Australian Securities Exchange (real-time) |
BM&F Bovespa (real-time and end of day) |
Bursa Malaysia Derivatives (real-time or delayed) |
Chicago Board of Trade (real-time or 10 minute delay) |
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (real-time or delayed) |
Dalian Commodity Exchange (end of day) |
Eurex (end of day) |
ICE LIFFE (real-time or delayed) |
ICE US (real-time or 10 minute delay) |
ICE Canada (real-time or 10 minute delay) |
Minneapolis Grain Exchange (real-time or 10 minute delay) |
Tokyo Commodity Exchange (real-time) |
Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (end of day) |
News and Reports
Argus Rapeseed Oil |
CFTC – Commitment of Traders and Cotton On-Call |
CME Agriculture Market Commentary News |
Dow Jones AgriWire – Including USDA News Reports |
Genscape PDF News |
GlobalView Web Wires – American Soybean Association, CME, etc. |
Oryza – Rice Latest News |
Platts – grains and sugar |
The Beef News |
USAgNet News |
U.S. & North American Drought Monitor |
USDA Agricultural Market Service (AMS) |
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection News (APHIS) |
USDA Farm Services Agency (FSA) |
USDA National Daily Summaries |
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) |
USDA Weekly Weather & Crop Bulletin with Palmer Drought Index |
Related Content (Elementized, i.e. numeric data for charting and tabular history)
Argus Fertilizer (Ammonia, Nitrogen, NPK, Potash, etc.) |
Argus Rapeseed Oil |
Canadian Weather Data |
Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics/Escola Superior de Agricultura |
CFTC – Commitment of Traders and Cotton On-Call |
Commodity Research Bureau – Indices |
Dow Jones- UBS Commodity Index |
EuroStat (statistical information from the EU) |
FastWeather |
Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAOSTAT) |
Genscape |
GeoGrain |
Global Dairy |
Jacobsen (Price assessment info for animal feed biodiesel, animal fats and oils, grain and feed ingredients, vegetable oils, RIN’s, etc.) |
NOAA Degree Growing Days |
NOAA Weather Data (actual and forecast temps with history, etc.) |
OPIS (racks, biodiesel, etc.) |
Platts Biofuels and Kingsman Sugar |
Statistics Canada |
United States International Trade Commission – U.S. denatured and undenatured ethanol exports |
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
USDA AMS – Grain basis, livestock and grain, dairy data |
USDA ERS – agriculture baseline, feed grains data |
USDA FAS – US Export Sales |
USDA Quick Stats (NASS) |
USDA – World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates data |