MarketView Desktop 6.14
Additional changes in version 6.14.1
Frequency Distribution Chart (Further Improvements):
• Ability to specify either the desired segment range or the desired number of segments.
• Choice of multiple, user-selectable, auto-fit behaviors.
• Ability to define either the date range or the number of records to be included.
• Option to auto-arrange segments when a new symbol is inserted.
Minor Features and Improvements
Symbol Search
• Fixed issue with multi-word searches in multiple windows.
• Search in Curve window will only display roots.
• Search in History window when Curve aggregation is selected will only display roots.
• Fixed issue with incorrect ordering of strike prices.
• Fixed an issue with missing date fields if a list of headlines was copied in a news window.
Changes in version 6.14
Major New Features
We Are Now Enverus Trading & Risk
Creating the future of energy together.
Frequency Distribution Chart
New type of Chart that displays statistical frequency distribution for market data.
Minor Features and Improvements
• Improved resiliency in communications layer.
• Fixed handling of multi-word queries when searching for root symbols.
• Charting: Improved behavior for loading status indicator in Charts.
• Charting: Field order for studies on seasonal aggregations was inverted in menus and lists.
• Charting: Fixed Bring-to-front for Seasonal Spread plots.
• Charting: Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when symbol was sent from Chart panel to a Curve panel.
• Symbol Tree: Fixed logic for delayed loading of sub-branches in MarketScript™ symbol tree.
• Symbol Tree: Removed context menu actions for nodes in Symbol Tree in cases where they are not available.
• Data Fill: Fixed issue with default Data Fill where it overrode filling that was explicitly set on a symbol.
• Data Fill: Fixed an issue with Data Fill where „apply-to-all“ step wasn’t saved to workspace.