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Support Center

Release Notes

MarketView Desktop 6.29

Changes in version 6.29


Multi-Edit of symbols in History window
Multi-Edit of symbols in History window
Multiple symbols can now be selected at the same time and then edited via the right-click menu.
This is for example useful to quickly select currency or unit conversion for all symbols in the table.
We will include the same functionality for the other window types in the following versions.

Connection Window
Connection Window
We added the connection window to the menu bar. It will include information about the connection status. Also, the features to change environments and for impersonation was moved into this window.

Bug fixes and minor improvements

General: The Single Sign-On (SSO) login window was resized to prevent the need for scrolling.
General: The popup window in which the username is entered for user impersonation did reject user names that included a dash.
History: The values for certain symbols were multiplied by 1000 under certain conditions when the users regional settings were not using the North American conventions for decimals and thousand separators.
History: : The description in the right-click menu item in the Edit window for Lead/Lag always said “(no lead/lag)” even if that feature was activated.
Chart: The colors of the different lines in a seasonal chart would flip when the chart would be reloaded.
Chart: When charts were set up via loading a chart template, then the charts appeared empty after MarketView Desktop was restarted.
Chart: If the Edit window was opened for a chart that was created from a template and uses Open/High/Low/Close (e.g. Candlestick), then the chart would appear blank after it was reloaded.
Options: The entries for “Underlier” and “Contract” parameters did not get saved and were returned to default values when the workspace was saved and the application was then re-opened.