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Support Center

Release Notes

MarketView ExcelTools 4.6.3

Minor Features and Improvements

New Folder Icon
A new folder icon in the right side of the Edit window allows to show the folder where the selected symbol is located. Clicking on the icon will open that folder in the symbol tree.

Symbol Location Icon
If a symbol is selected in search mode, the new folder icon will allow to show the folder where the selected symbol is located. Clicking on the icon will close the search mode and open that folder in the symbol tree.

Two links were added to the Edit window to access the new MarketView Search Guide (which can be downloaded here)

Fixes and minor changes


History: The settings “Aggregate high and low (and close) as…” that were saved in spreadsheets in versions before 4.6 were not properly applied when that sheet was opened in later versions.
History: The asterisk disappeared after clicking refresh if User Defined Formula (UDF) symbols were displayed in a history table in versions 4.6, 4.6.1 or 4.6.2.
Quote: Excel Tools was not properly supporting field name aliases like “cp” or “changepc” for “PercentChange”. This resulted in older sheets not updating correctly in versions 4.6, 4.6.1 or 4.6.2.
Quote: Excel Tools was not properly updating quote data fields under certain conditions if a new price was published while the spreadsheet was open. This occurred in versions 4.6, 4.6.1 or 4.6.2.
Table: Excel Tools now supports descriptions for custom curves that were created in CurveBuilder that exceed a length of 255 characters.
General: Fixed various .NET error messages that came up when older spreadsheets were opened in versions 4.6, 4.6.1 or 4.6.2.