Help Files

The Chart component displays a graphical representation of time series data and technical studies.  A chart can contain up to 4 symbols in a single graph.  The user can also choose between 3 different chart types line, bar, and candlestick chart. 


Chart Actions

Change the Interval

Add Symbol

Chart Type

Chart Color

Remove Symbol


Steps to Create a Chart

  1. Create a Chart page by clicking the Chart icon.
  2. Select create new page
  3. Select symbols to display
    1. If you know the specific symbol, enter it directly in the search bar
    2. If you do not know the specific symbols use the symbol tree below the search bar to find them.
  4. Select the intervals you would like to see in the chart.


  1. Save the Chart by clicking on the star, give it a name and click save.


Change the Interval


Change the interval by selecting one of the icons across the top of the graph.




 Add Symbol to Chart


Use the + icon from the toolbar above the chart to add an additional symbol to the chart.



Chart Type


Use the settings icon to change the chart type.


The following window will appear and you can chose between line, bar, and candlestick chart.

 Line Chart
 Bar Chart
 CandleStick Chart


Chart Color

Use the settings icon to change the chart color.


The following window will appear.

Select the symbol on the left so that it is highlighted then select a color and click ok.


Remove Symbol from Chart


To remove a symbol from a chart use the settings icon. 


Each symbol from the chart will show up in the window.  Click on the X next to a symbol to remove it from the chart.